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50.0 lbs. $229.00 |
Once the spray is dry, the tree is coated with a durable film which lasts indefinitely. It is safe to use and after the spray is applied, presents no hazard to children or pets.
Dilute at the rate of 1 pint Needlehold Spray to 2
pints of water & spray trees thoroughly. If temperature is below
freezing spray indoors and allow tree to dry thoroughly before placing
outdoors. Spray in field anytime before tree is cut or immediately after
cutting. It can also be used on transplants or for prevention of winter
damage at a dilution of 1 to 5. The spray will dry in 15 minutes on a
moderately warm or sunny day; it may take a longer period to dry when
it's cool and cloudy.
Wear old clothing and shoes when applying; it is best to
avoid spraying on windy days. Prevent spray from reaching sidewalks,
buildings, etc. In the event the spray inadvertently reaches walk,
buildings, or other objects, wash at once with scrub brush and water.
Rubbing with dry sand or steel wool will remove Needlehold Spray from
masonry after it dries.
Do not spray when is is below freezing or when frost is still on the trees. To ensure drying, it is best to spray when air temperature is about 40 F and when no immediate rain is anticipated. One 5 Gallon Case will do approx. 300 to 500 trees.
Various types of sprayers may be used (hand or
power). Experimentation with the spray gun in hand is suggested to
properly adjust pressure. Excessive pressure will give a very misty
spray that may be subject to blowing. A gun delivering a high volume may
be wasteful. The spray gun should be adjusted to give a fairly broad
spray pattern. Needlehold Spray replaces Item# SFG3 - Clear Spray