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Item #: KMG1
Kelco Garland Machine
In Stock
8.0 lbs.
This is a hand-operated machine that lets you make beautiful garland or roping. This unit easily clamps to a table and provides constant, uniform tension on the wire as it is wrapped around the greenery and twine to create the garland. Along with the material (greens, flowers, etc) to be wrapped, you will also need spool wire and garland twine; we recommend 23 gauge spool wire.

To operate the machine, you simply hold the material on the "saddle" with your left hand, with the stems pointing toward the handle and extending about 2 inches beyond the saddle. Grasp the ends of the wire and twine with your left hand, while continuing to hold the material in that hand turn the handle with your right hand making a couple of wraps to secure the material to the twine. Advance the garland 2 to 4 inches by pulling forward with your left hand. Repeat these steps until desired length is reached. Garland may be made as heavy or light as you wish according to the amount of material wrapped each time. Your garland will look great decorated with our berries, cones, etc,.