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Item #: ADG84
Triple Rail Wreath Ring - Green 08"
Pkg. of 1
In Stock
27.0 lbs.
These rings are made with three wire rings. The outside ring is made of a larger diameter than the middle, and that, larger than the inner ring. They are welded together with crossbars forming a wide flat round frame that is a strong, rigid and ideal base for making high quality wreaths.

These rings are an excellent choice for many reasons:
1. The flat ridge base makes placing and forming the greens very simple and fast.
2. Bulkier greens are easily used, and less scrap will result.
3. The structural strength holds its shape and makes hanging easier.

The outside diameter of a finished wreath using this ring will be approximately 92" to 96".

Because of its' size, this ring has to be shipped by common carrier.